
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

1st trimester

My 1st trimester was pretty good compared to what I have read could happen. I had all day nausea for about 7 weekss but only actually got sick a few times.

I ended up telling my mom when I was about 7 weeks because I had been so nauseated and I had a hair and nail appointment the week I told her. Well mom and I go to the same stylist and our stylist banks with my moms credit union that mom works for. I wasn't about to lie to my stylist if I had to toss my cookies so I had to call my mother 1st. I swear she about blew out my ear drum from her shreik of delight.

After I had my 1st doctors appointment we told the family and hoped that we had a viable pregnancy.

With my family history and my health history I got the loveliness of doing the oral glocuse test. Well I failed the one hour test and got to do the 3 hour test. Let me just say I wouldn't wish that on anyone other than maybe my worst enemy and even then I'd think twice. I passed the 3 hour test.

Other than the nausea and exhaustion 1st tri wasn't too bad.

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