
Friday, August 20, 2010

2nd Trimester

OK so today we'll try to catch up with the 2nd trimester.
My 2nd trimester the nausea calmed down and everything was pretty good for a few weeks.
The day after Thanksgiving we had our anatomy scan and decided that we would also have the ultrasound tech tell us what we were having if they could tell. Well we found out at that time our baby was more than likely a girl as the tech could see no boy parts. Our baby girl was being demure though and not showing the goods for sure so we told friends and family we were fairly sure that it was a girl but not to go too gung ho with pink if they felt the need to baby shop.

Our Sweet Baby Girl

I did make the mistake of continuing on with somethings like I wasn't a pregnant woman and my mother and I did our annual holiday baking marathon. Due to the baking marathon and lack of rest I ended up overdoing it and got to go to the labor and delivery unit at about 21 weeks with a blood pressure spike and spent a couple of hours there.

At the end of my 2nd trimester I got the joy of doing the glucose tolerance tests again. I failed the 1 hour and got sent for the 3 hour test. I barely failed the 3 hour but because I did (one reading was 4 points over and the other over one was 10 points over)I got to be treated for gestational diabetes. Thankfully I was able to manage through diet and never ended up on medication. With the GD diagnosis they decided I would need growth ultrasounds so at my 1st growth ultrasound they were able to determine that yes my baby was definitely a girl.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

1st trimester

My 1st trimester was pretty good compared to what I have read could happen. I had all day nausea for about 7 weekss but only actually got sick a few times.

I ended up telling my mom when I was about 7 weeks because I had been so nauseated and I had a hair and nail appointment the week I told her. Well mom and I go to the same stylist and our stylist banks with my moms credit union that mom works for. I wasn't about to lie to my stylist if I had to toss my cookies so I had to call my mother 1st. I swear she about blew out my ear drum from her shreik of delight.

After I had my 1st doctors appointment we told the family and hoped that we had a viable pregnancy.

With my family history and my health history I got the loveliness of doing the oral glocuse test. Well I failed the one hour test and got to do the 3 hour test. Let me just say I wouldn't wish that on anyone other than maybe my worst enemy and even then I'd think twice. I passed the 3 hour test.

Other than the nausea and exhaustion 1st tri wasn't too bad.

working on catching up

So here we go the last year hopefully in a few posts. Last year on August 15th we found out that I was pregnant with our 1st child. We had been doing the let's see what happens method of baby planning. We had stopped BC but were previously trying to avoid having a baby for a little while.

Finally about July we decided if it happened we would be happy but we were going to wait a few more months before before doing some of the things that can sometimes be the craziness of timing things to concieve.

Well I was charting so I knew my cycles and when my temps had stayed up past when they would have normally dropped that it was time to pee on a stick. That morning changed my life forever.

It was the begining of this long sometimes crazy journey.

Monday, August 16, 2010

long time no blog again

I have neglected my poor blog again...

One of these days I may do a better job. The last post I made I was about 26 weeks pregnant with our lovely little girl. She'll be 4 months old next week. Motherhood is very rewarding and challenging so far. Somedays I think I am the worlds worst mommy others I feel like I am fairly competent. Right now I am feeling pretty good. M is sleeping in her swing right now, I just finished cow duty and will be hopefully catching bottle washing in a few minutes.

We had a computer malfunction so I am posting from my phone. Hopefully I will have time to post from work on ocassion so I can add some pictures now and then. Please friends help me stick with this.

I think later after bottles get washed and if the divine Ms. M stays sleeping I will try to post some of my pregnancy experiences, the birth story and then some about our sweet girl and her 1st few months.

Wish me luck!